There are lots of things we desire to own in this life, aren't there? Many of them are fine & dandy, as the saying goes. But there is one most important thing we own that many people never think about owning, & that is their life!
They spend a lot of time thinking about the next set of golf clubs, a vacation home, or a new piece of jewelery, but they never really think about ownership of their life. Whenever it comes time to be responsible, they end up placing the blame somewhere else, rather than realizing that they are the owner & so they are responsible.
You only own one person - YOU. You don't own your spouse. You don't own your boss. You don't own your parents. You don't own your kids (with kids, you are in charge of them, given the tremendous responsibility of teaching them to own their own lives, but you most certainly do not own them). No, there is only one person you own, & that person is You. Now, that is great news, isn't it? You don't have to worry about running anyone else's life! This is a temptation for us all, isn't it? We just know how everyone else should do it, & with many of them we try to take ownership & run their lives! Well, hands off! Take care of yourself first. Take control of your own life since it is the only one you own. You don't try to drive someone's car from the supermarket parking lot, so don't try to drive their lives either! You own only you - so stick to you!
You get to choose what to do with only one person - you. Once you have come to realise that you own you, instead of choosing what other people should do, you get to focus on choosing what you get to do. You get to begin to shape and mold your life.
Your ownership means you can do what you want with yourself. Your life is a blank sheet of paper. You can choose whatever you want to do. You can have whatever profession you want. You can earn as much money as you desire. You can marry whoever you fancy, as long as you suit their fancy too, by the way. Stop wishing and start choosing! You can choose whatever you want and take whatever actions you choose to rectify any situation you are in! Life is about making choices; you move on & you don't look back...
Your ultimate destination in life is set by you, not anyone else. Where you will end up? Wherever you choose to end up. You will do well to get it in your mind that some day you will be seventy years old & you will be at a certain place, & the only thing that got you there were the choices you made all along the way... along these seventy years... Imagine that, when you were thirty, you have forty years - FORTY YEARS - of choices that can put put you right where you want to be at the end of your life! Then you reach fifty-five, who cares? You probably have at least twenty years left! You still have TWENTY YEARS to get yourself to whatever destination you choose. Do you know what a person can do in twenty years? ALMOST ANYTHING THEY SET THEIR HEART ON!
The responsibility for your life, & what you accomplish, is found in one person - YOU. You will accomplish what you choose to accomplish. You will make & save as much money as you choose to. You will write as many books as you choose to. You will take as many vacations as you choose to. You will have the kind of relationship you choose to. What you accomplish is entirely up to you! Take that seriously!
Focus on your values & live them out, regardless of what other people do. This is important. We do not live our lives in a vacuum. We need to be thoughtful about we believe in, about what our values are, & what our moralities are. These are the things that will all shape how we go about exerting ownership of our lives. But once we have come to understand these things for ourselves, the power to live our lives increases tremendously. Now it doesn't matter what anyone else does. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are. We live out of our moralities, values & beliefs. These are the principles that transcend everything else & enable us to set our course!
This seems like a lot of responsibility, but consider it a freedom & privilege! We only get one life to live & we get to shape it however we want. This is one job we should really take seriously & not mess up! With diligence, hard work, & a lot of right decisions, I hope we all get to the end of our lives deeply fulfilled.
take ownership of your life; be responsible; be true to others & yourself; it's as simple as that.