Monday, November 23, 2009

Today is one of those days where again there isn't ANY work for me to do in the office...

You can say that it is good & slack for me, but seriously if you ask me, I really rather be occupied with loads of work! That way, time will pass more quickly for me, in a blink of an eye. Instead of me like today, practically dozing off the whole morning at my desk due to boredom, even as I tried to read up on some notes that one of my managers have lend me to read during my free time. I don't know what's wrong with me though. Just that when I start reading through the notes, I will start to doze off unwillingly without myself noticing it... hahaha. Can you imagine my colleagues passing my desk & finding me dozing off... God, that is sooo embarrassing~! They will be thinking to themselves what a lazy loafer I am... the nerve to sleep on the job! =S

Come to think of it, things have mostly been this way since my schooling days. Whenever a lecturer starts his/her lecture, my thoughts and my mind will eventually start drifting off elsewhere. That is one reason why I don't attend lectures back in University =P. THANK GOD FOR LECTURE VIDEO RECORDING THEN~!!! HEHE.

Both my girlfriend & I have come to an common conclusion that may explain what's happening... I have short attention span and I get bored & restless easily. hahaha... That is why I need work! on my desk to keep me occupied and awake~ HAHA. Only through doing work, can I keep myself occupied and awake! I can't sit around all day, doing nothing!

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