Monday, October 20, 2008

"Love at First Sight ..."

19th October, 2008:
From "It's Complicated" to "In a Relationship"...
We were dating... But now we are finally "boyfriend" & "girlfriend".
To me, it means acceptance... acceptance of me into your life.
It also means you have finally overcame your phobia of being in another relationship.
And I'm feeling very blessed (still am), to be in this relationship with you, together...
I know I wanted you the first time I saw you @ SDBA...
I just didn't know whether it was the right thing to do then, or how to go about doing it.
I don't know what gave me the courage to do what I did.
But I'm glad I did what I did on Friendster... adding you as a friend.
And one thing led to another, & now to this. It is like a dream come true.

Back then I was clinging onto a 'hope' that wasn't there... But I just couldn't bring myself to let her go.
But you shown me the way, you shown me the light...
You put a smile on my face every morning I wake up, with your morning SMS'es.
You made me realise how much I've fallen in love with you, when I thought I almost lost you that night.
You are what matters most to me, & I look forward to days spent with you.
And Life is so much more beautiful, just because you are in it.
To my most beloved girl, thank you for being in my life.
From: A Boyfriend

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